Help! The world has gone crazy.

Do you even remember life on March 1, 2020? It was ‘normal’. We were just beginning to hear about this thing called “Corona Virus”. Many even joked about the like named beer. It was in China. The OTHER side of the earth. Then came March 15 and suddenly 90% of the world was out of work having no idea when or if we would go back. We received our last paycheck and the bills came marching in, one by one. And the bills continued to come marching in. Our commissioners made the very wise decision to do whatever it took to protect Monroe County residents including closing off US1. We began wearing masks to do our banking, we began to worship through facebook or zoom, we began to learn so much about ourselves.

Social Distancing, the new “4” letter word of 2020. Who could have known how painful it would become? Who could have guessed the mental health issues it would create? Who could have guessed, of all things, we’d run OUT of toilet paper? Who could have anticipated the level of domestic violence that erupted like an epidemic throughout our community? Who would have anticipated that mom and dad are no longer safer in the nursing home?

Here we are, June 1, just 2 months later and the world we knew, the life we had, the future we looked forward to no longer exists. Life, for every single human being in the entire world, is changing into a whole new form that we still can’t quite imagine. The changes has slowed down but with the recent reopening and loosening of protocols may well send us right back into a spiking of COVID cases and deaths.

If that’s not enough, people are truly going crazy. Domestic Violence has become common, still not acceptable in any way, shape or form, but we don’t know how to live in close quarters 24/7 without trying to exert control over our “significant others”. Hate has risen to a new high as we mourn the senseless death and torture of George Floyd.

How do we live; where do find hope; how do we breathe into the future?

We must look to that which is infinite. We must look to that which is greater than the greatest of us. We can only safely lean on the embrace of the one who is the Source of Our Being. Only this Divine One can stand up to all and win in the end. This one who calls you beloved, even though you might not have heard the call. This one who embraces you with healing, hope, justice even though you might not have felt the embrace. This one who waits on you to turn and and say yes. This one reaches, calls, waits, holds, carries, and so much more. I know because somehow, the Divine Spirit touched my life many years ago and got my attention. I know because this one who calls me beloved somehow reaches into my space and guides me in life giving ways. I know because something inside me recognizes the Source of My Being and draws me into life empowering me to share that same life with others.

If the idea of God, Higher Power, the Source of Our Being is strange to you please just take 30 seconds to invite the possibility. Sit quietly and just invite that which is great than yourself to just be with you in the moment. Sit for 30 seconds with the open invite to this one. Then go about your day being mindful of the invitation you extended earlier. The next morning do the same: 30 second invite and then mindfully going about your day. Continue this for 30 days, one month. I will be praying for you and I know God will be walking with you.

Faith, God none of it is magic, rather it is much better. It is miraculous.

May you know God’s blessings through all things.

  • Pam


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